Thursday, March 22, 2012

Romance Writers of America has come out - on the side of non-discrimination

Back on February 3rd, I (and several others) blogged about the brouhaha that began when a small Romance Writers of America chapter in Oklahoma (RWI) didn't want to allow same-sex romance books into its writing competition. A tidal wave of response was generated to that chapter's decision and the contest was pulled. RWA said they'd take it up at their March meeting.

Well, they have... and it's good news. Yesterday, they announced the following:

4. The Board approved adding anti-discrimination language to the Policies and Procedures Manual as follows: Membership shall not be denied to adults because of race, color, gender, age, religion, national origin, marital status, sexual preference, disability, or political affiliation.

5. The Board urges our chapters to make every effort to ensure that their contests and other services are inclusive. While RWA chapters are affiliated as individual corporations, and RWA Staff and Board are not involved in overseeing chapter contests and other programs, both Staff and Board are available to support and advise chapters on best practices.

This is good news for all RWA members. The board is taking a stand against discrimination. They are to be congratulated for acting and making their positions known. One of our Rainbow Romance Writers members has suggested a best-practices document for chapters to provide framework for the content of contests. I hope they consider this brilliant idea. It's the logical next step.

So, good on ya RWA!


  1. If they would just change "preference" to "orientation"...

  2. Good point, Chris. This is the beginning step on the road together, right?

    I'm passing that along, though. Thanks!

  3. DEFINITELY a step in the right direction!!

  4. What did Mr. Miyagi say? "patience, Grasshopper."

    I'll have to try to practice that.
