Friday, April 6, 2012

I'll be at RT Booklovers Con next week - will you be there?

Next week, from Wednesday, April 11th through Sunday, April 15th, I'll be attending the RT Booklovers Convention at the Hyatt Regency O'Hare in Chicago. It promises to be a hugely-attended gathering of authors and readers alike.

The amount of celebrity authors there is stunning but I'm more interested in the readers that are going to be there. I hope to meet some of you - so please! drop me a line if you're attending.

Chicago is a magnificent city. The con itself will be at the Hyatt at O'Hare but you can jump on the El at the airport or at the first stop outside O'Hare and be downtown in 38 minutes.

I'll be there representing myself as an author AND as a member of Rainbow Romance Writers. We'll have a number of our members there and I hope we'll have our readers there, too!


  1. Nope, but have fun!! Are you going to GRL in ABQ? I'll be there...

    1. I AM going to GRL - yippee! We'll be able to meet face-to-face!

  2. Cool! Unless I get overwhelmed by too many people and spend the whole time hiding. :D

    1. I'll be sure to search you out first thing, then
